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YMMV / Night Moves (IDW)

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  • Complete Monster:
    • Ashmedai is a demon who consumes souls to make himself more powerful. Previously, Ashmedai had abducted several people and left them catatonic, subsequently having decapitated several "Anti-Davidians" and piled their heads in a heap, leaving them for Chris Dundee and Detective Alexis Rohm to discover. Possessing a local businessman who had captured Dundee, Rohm, and Rohm's partner, Lucretius Jackson, Ashmedai switches to Jackson's body when his host is killed. As "Jackson", Ashmedai builds the Babylon Casino in order to continue consuming souls. When Dundee, Rohm, and a surviving priest venture out to find a dagger that will defeat him, Ashmedai kills the military personnel holding them at gunpoint before interrogating the party about the whereabouts of an artifact, attempting to kill them when the artifact is revealed to be destroyed. Forty years later, using his surviving abductees as disposable manpower, Ashmedai attempts to possess Dundee, but is thwarted due to Dundee poisoning himself.
    • Tom "Tomcat" O'Reily is a Loan Shark who will do anything for his own personal gain. Initially killing an acquaintance of Dundee, Tomcat captures Dundee, Rohm, and Jackson on behalf of a local businessman. Scarred by Dundee in the ensuing altercation, Tomcat disappears, eventually resurfacing as Jackson's security chief. When confronted by Dundee, Tomcat taunts Dundee about his inability to do anything to him, exploiting his new position as a police officer. In the aftermath of Dundee's confrontation with Ashmedai, Tomcat has a lackey kill and replace Ashmedai's previous host, puts Ashmedai's subsequent host into a coma, and begins his takeover of the Vegas mob. To this end, Tomcat has the Babylon Casino incinerated, having any escapees shot, while also attempting to massacre any of Ashmedai's followers. In the final confrontation with Dundee and Rohm, Tomcat tries to have Dundee's face disfigured.
  • Realism-Induced Horror: The fact that people in positions of power can use their connections to evade justice is possibly more chilling than any supernatural threat.
