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YMMV / Momentum (2015)

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  • Complete Monster:
    • The Senator is a Corrupt Politician scheming his way into the Oval Office no matter what it takes. He concocts a plan to blow up a large chunk of Chicago and "make 9/11 look like Macy's parade", frame it on another country, and ignite a blood war so he can be elected. After hiring a group of thieves to rob the bank that the flash drive containing his plans is located in, the Senator orders them all be killed, unleashing his elite hit squad to torture and murder anyone in their way to retrieve the drive. When his squad fumbles in their quest, the Senator dispatches another agent to silence them, too.
    • "Mr. Washington" is a sadistic, cheerful killer hired to retrieve the Senator's flash drive. After executing a woman, Washington subjects her partner, Fuller, to horrible torture to learn the location of the flash drive. Washington calmly threatens to have Fuller's wife raped to death and his child sold to Human Traffickers; when Fuller dies from the torture, Washington tries to follow through on the threat. Capturing Alex, Washington has her electrocuted, her leg crushed in a vice, and her thigh gashed open to extort information on the drive out of her, and later tries to kill her while murdering multiple bystanders to tie up all loose ends.
