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YMMV / King Arthur's Disasters

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  • Catharsis Factor: For all the trouble Guinevere puts Arthur through for most of the series only to never to receive any kind of just desserts, watching her get treated like the Butt-Monkey, starting with being tossed out of her own tower, even if it is while she is in Arthur's body, is this.
  • Ho Yay:
    • In "The Surprise Quest," Arthur has only one last chance to use the love cream on Guinevere. When an owl lands on his shoulder, he accidentaly hits Splag. Hilarity Ensues.
    • The scene where a French fashion designer lifts Merlin's robe admiring its silk.
    • There's also a scene in "The Ice Palace" where Sir Martyn jumps on top of Lancelot and pushes him on to King Arthur's bed as Lancelot tries to wriggle him off.
    • The fact that Sir Martyn's line "Two despicable knights together" quote in "Mission: Implausible" can be taken totally out of context certainly doesn't help.
    • In "Tornament of Terror" Arthur is blindfolded and being lead into a tent. He feels Splag's tunic and lifts it up thinking it's part of the tent flaps, remarking that "this doesn't feel right." Splag notices this and giggles.
