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YMMV / Killer Angels

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  • Awesome Music: The musical number from Killer Angels. It may be random and comes completely out of nowhere, but the song is still damn catchy. The song in question is "Betray" by Chai Li, a.k.a. Cherrie Choi.
  • Complete Monster: Don Chu Chung Sing is a gang lord in charge of the Shadows, a syndicate involved in human trafficking. Running every night club in Hong Kong, Chu uses them to lure and kidnap illegal immigrants to be held hostage underneath his house and sold to foreign buyers, completely uncaring when one commits suicide. Sending his hitmen out to kill anybody who could pose a threat against him, resulting in dozens dying, Chu tries to have the suspect Jackie Chan killed to keep his operation a secret. After Yau-li leads a raid on his mansion, Chu is blasé when he accidentally kills his prized hitman Michael during his fight with Yau-li.
  • Stock Footage Failure: (from Killer Angels) The scene when Michael assassinates a suspect by blowing up his car, actually recycles footage from another unrelated movie, Just Heroes. The car explosions in both films are set in different times - so in this movie, for two seconds the movie inexplicably shifts from day to night and back to day.
