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YMMV / Hurog

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  • Complete Monster:
    • High King Jakoven Tallven is a vicious tyrant who locks his brother Kellen in a hellish asylum, only not killing him because of a prophecy's warning. Jakoven proceeds to expand the Five Kingdoms, killing all in his path, while taking young boys as hostages and sex slaves for his own pleasure. Having the hero Ward tortured, Jakoven also sends Ward's Love Interest Tisala to be tortured and raped by his men, before intending on bleeding Ward to use a superweapon, which he and his right-hand-man Jade Eyes test on an innocent village, intending on wiping out all before him until he stands supreme.
    • Dragon Blood: Jade Eyes is a wicked mage and Jakoven's partner in evil. Capturing Ward, Jade Eyes has him locked in the asylum and has him drugged, viciously tortured and sexually assaulted. Jakoven and Jade Eyes later kidnap a young cousin of Ward's and have him drugged with clear intent to molest him, as well as bled to empower their superweapon. After his master's defeat, Jade Eyes reveals he intends to revive the dragons used to create said superweapon to build an empire for himself, despite them intending to destroy the Five Kingdoms upon revival, callous to the carnage created as long as he rules.
