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YMMV / Hand of Death

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The Film

  • Complete Monster: Shih Shao-Feng is a treacherous disciple of Shaolin who dedicates himself to annihilating the martial arts of his old masters. Having temples attacked, Shih wipes out everyone there, capturing and torturing martial artists in a brutal purge. When he believes some may be hiding out in towns, Shih is all too eager to send his forces to destroy them, in a quest to erase anything that may threaten his rule.
  • Retroactive Recognition: While Jackie Chan doesn't fall under this trope due to being The Lancer, however how many of the audiences knows the villain's buck-toothed, overweight enforcer is none other than Sammo Hung? Or that failed assassin who gets unceremoniously arrowed by Shao-Feng is none other than an uncredited Yuen Biao?
