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YMMV / Frontline

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  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Just how innocent is the accused Pedophile Priest from "Judge and Jury"? Because while his accuser may have destroyed her own credibility and his suicide seems to imply a case of Acquitted Too Late, it's still more than a little suspicious that a Catholic priest would resort to suicide rather than spend any more time trying to fight the accusations. Is it possible that he had some reason to believe he was going to hell anyway?
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The first episode has a brief discussion between Mike and John Hewson about his leadership of the Liberal party and how it may be time for him to step down. Hewson was replaced by Alexander Downer about two weeks after the episode aired.
  • Lowest Common Denominator: Frontline know their stories have to appeal to a vapid blue-collar audience, because that's where all the ratings come from.
  • Moment of Awesome: subjective, but definitely the Season Two finale ("Give 'em enough rope...").
  • Tear Jerker: Brian getting sacked in the beginning of season 2, especially the line 'He says to say goodbye'- because his actor Bruno Lawrence died between seasons.
  • The Woobie: Brooke in A Hole In The Heart, Parts 1 & 2, and Emma just about all the time (but especially in Basic Instincts)
    • Kate in Judge and Jury.
