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YMMV / Expeditionary Force

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  • Adaptation Displacement: Confirmed by Word of God, Craig Alanson said that the books never would have been anything other than a minor ebook series if not for the performance of RC Bray in the audiobook adaptations. These are now the primary means that the majority of readers experience the book.
  • Angst? What Angst?: Much of the series has the Earth on the verge of total destruction and over a hundred thousand humans abandoned on the planet Paradise to never be seen again. The protagonists seem remarkably well-adjusted to the constant threat as well as abandoning so many of their former comrades.
  • Cargo Ship: Those fans who ship Joe and Skippy despite the fact the latter is an omniscient AI.
  • It's the Same, Now It Sucks!: The books have a habit of consisting of "existential threat to humanity, Skippy says stopping it is impossible, Bishop comes up with wild plan, and Skippy says he never would have thought of it because it was so crazy but it works."
  • Strawman Has a Point: Joe calls out the senior species for the way that they use lower-tech species to fight proxy wars for them and exert control over the galaxy. However, one of the Maxolhx also calls out Bishop, pointing out that regardless of how things were, it was a system that worked; despite the constant fighting, the majority of people in the galaxy were able to just live their lives, and things stayed stable. Just becoming another species with Elder weapons, let alone all the other stuff humans have done, has profoundly upset the delicate balance that the galaxy was getting by on.
  • The Woobie: Colonel Joe Bishop is constantly disrespected by Skippy and the UNEF no matter how many times he saves the planet from complete annihilation.
