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YMMV / Community S1 E09: Debate 109

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  • Best Known for the Fanservice: The episode is best remembered as the one where Annie fully showcases her sex appeal for the first time.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: While it was teased before, this is the episode where the Jeff and Annie ship really became popular with fans.
  • Genius Bonus: Did you know Franz Wickmeyer does not exist? Simmons made him up! He made up a whole person to give a vague "great German philosopher" weight to his own, to be fair, beautiful poetical sentiment about the snow being stained by touching the earth. And nobody, not even the viewers, called him on it until like ten years after the show aired.
    • There was a Franz Wickmeyer, but he was an Austrian man known for being extremely tall (about eight and a half feet). Not a philosopher.
