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YMMV / Blindspotting

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The series

  • Awesome Music: Raphael Saadiq's "Let's Take a Walk", a fun, Motown-esque number that plays just before Ashley trashes the hotel room in the second episode.
  • Fridge Brilliance: In the Previously on… segment for episode 5, Miles is confused when whoever's on the phone refers to "The Spice King" (Earl's self-styled nickname from episode 4). This confusion makes sense, since Earl and Miles have never actually met.
  • Fridge Horror: Given Janelle's panicked and upset reaction to finding Earl's extension cord in the street in the finale, it's entirely possible that she thought Earl had been killed (either by the cops or in a car accident) before her mother clarified things and she learned he had been re-arrested.
  • Nightmare Fuel: How Earl's re-arrest is staged in the first season finale. He's standing in the middle of the road, his extension cord wrapped around him like a sash, when a bunch of men in prison jumpsuits start tugging on it and trying to pull him back towards the cop car. Earl fights back, but he's unable to overpower them and he's ultimately bundled into the car, lamenting on how he couldn't even say goodbye to anyone, while the cops whoop and cheer as they drive away.
