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WMG / Kengan Ashura

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Masaki "Hayami" brainwashed will work too well
Considering that the original Masaki kill his father

Ohma and Ryuki are really clones of Yan, head of the Worm.
In his dying words, Fei tells Ohma and Ryuki that they're both clones. He also comments that Ohma vaguely looks like a man he knows, but who's face he never got a clear look at. This is probably Worm's leader, who would definitely keep his identity a secret as much as he can. Yan is probably old and/or dying, and looking for one of his clones to transfer his brain to (given all the brain research/experiments), to continue his life.
  • This was debunked with Yan turning out to be Xia Ji's identical twin, sadly, but the rest of the theory might hold water for how Worm works.
Shen Wulong is a clone of the Hegemon-King of Chu, Xiang Yu, who founded the organisation of Worm
.Ohma and Ryuki are clones made by worm attempting to weaponise his monstrous gift for violence, and if Worm's end goal isn't just self-destructive, an army of such clones are poised to take over the world. It specifically being Xiang Yu would tie into the other things we've been told about the Ancient Chu state (the Proverb Rolón mentioned of 5 Long Mins, Chu would have won), as well as excess of blonde asians in their ranks if the original goal was to preserve this mighty warrior-king's bloodline until it could rule the world.
