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WMG / Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2

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in the third film, the antagonists will be the Foodliens.
  • even if the second film had no connection with the second book, the third film could recover the story of Planet of the Pies, There "homeworld" is an enormous cherry pie and there "saucers" are pies in pie tins. then you would discover the Foodliens were created by the FLDSMDFR. They would arrive on earth and plan an invasion and wipe out all of man-kind and foodimal-kind and replace them with Foodliens.Flint Lockwood and the gang walk Armageddon style they get on a third flying car and go into space and fight the Foodliens before they conquer earth and shallow falls/chewandshallow.
    • but it could also happen that a new character reunites with them and helps him ,go to space only to find out that Foodliens are good and actually want to meet their creator the FLDSMDFR, but the new character would take away the FLDSMDFR for his own evil purposes and at that point Flint will be forced to fight against him.although this plot is very reminiscent of another sequel where the original film was directed by the same directors who they also directed the first Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.
    • in 2023 lord had said that the script of the 3d film was completed and that it was called Planets "Planet of the Grapes" so probably when this wmg comes out it will be confirmed?!.
