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Tropers / Watermaster 222

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Why'd you click on my name? Doesn't matter. You're here now so I'll start talking to keep you here.

Well, my name is Calvin, the least [[Useful Notes/Philippines Filipino]] name ever.

     Personal Tropes 
  • Afraid of Needles: Averted. I've injected too many times to be scared.
  • Asperger's Syndrome: This is really common here isn't it?
  • Bilingual Conversation: It happens.
  • Camp Gay: Yay for gay!
  • Deadpan Snarker: So is this.
  • Magical Queer: I could be that guy if the situaition arises. Which it hasn't.
  • Mr. Exposition: I can cover something on anything.
  • Plot Armor: I Just. Can't. DIE. And I probably won't until I do something famous. Here's a list of what I've gone through:
    • A falling bed: My brother and I were playng beside a bed that was pushed against the wall. The bed fell and I ran away before it could kill me. I was standing to the left side, my brother to the right. There was a wall to the right too, so he just fainted on the spot.
    • My fingers getting crushed: I slammed the car door and my hands twice and my brother tried to lock me out of our house, but I was swinging on the door frame. My fingers were jammed and I couldn't pull it out. Plus, I was nine. As of right now, all my fingers are fine.
    • A roll-lock knife: Before you jump to conclusions: No, I wasn't about to be murdered. My dad was trying to open something from its container so he used a knife. I was on my knees watching wearing a loose shirt. While he was trying to cut it open, the blade broke off and flew towards me. It landed inside my shirt.
  • Polar Opposite Twins: Yeah, I do have one. He's even straight.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to my brother's blue. Though vise versa is our favorite colors.
  • Straight Gay
  • The Stoic: The only thing making me Straight Gay.
