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Tropers / Paradoxic

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Just a bored science nerd/fandom geek who spends way too much time browsing TV Tropes and making occasional edits.

Peruse Applicable Tropes Here:

  • Agnosticism: Of the agnostic atheism flavour. Maybe there's a god/multiple gods, maybe there isn't. There's not enough evidence to know if a higher power (or multiple high powers) exist(s) for certain, and it can't be disproven or proven, but it is not impossible that one does.
  • Berserk Button: Poor scientific practice is a big annoyance of mine, as are logical fallacies. Deliberate ignorance is also a good berserk button, and if you're an antivaxxer because you believe that vaccines cause autism, then I am obliged to punch you in the face.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: That's what I've been told.
  • Cuddle Bug
  • Easily Amused: Very much so.
  • Genki Girl / Keet: I literally bounce off the walls and randomly tacklehug people when I'm in a euphoric mood.
  • Motor Mouth: I have a tendency to go off on tangents and rabbit on and on and on and on and on and on... I'm doing it again aren't I. Hey, speaking of rabbits, did you know that rabbits can't vomit, and snowshoe hares eat meat?
  • No Indoor Voice
  • Pungeon Master: I love puns, waaaaaaay too much.
  • The Anti-Nihilist / Knight in Sour Armor: Life has about as much inherent meaning as a fart in the wind does, you can get screwed over repeatedly and for long, extensive periods of time through no fault of your own, and nobody escapes death forever. Ultimately, what I do matters very little in the grand scheme of things. That means I have the freedom to make my life mean whatever the hell I want it to mean, so time to dole out those warm fuzzies. Here's a video I quite like on the topic.
  • The Glomp: I enjoy delivering these, especially after a runup.
  • The Gadfly / Troll: As much as I love my friends, I do screw around with them on occasion.
