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Trope Co / Clam Trap

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Got a secret underwater lair that needs protection? Sharks and Giant Squids not helping enough? Try another form of sea life! Something more... benthic...

Introducing the devious Clam Trap from Trope Co.®! The next time some slippery snoop sticks his nose into your business, the Clam Trap™ will snap back! When said snoop passes by, the Clam Trap™ will open its shell, revealing a pearl, or any other bait you want!* Our "friend" will reach in to grab it, and the Clam Trap™ will swiftly snap shut!

Our Clam Traps™ come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, depending on whether you just want your enemy to receive a painful bite, or if you want the Clam Trap™ to gobble him up! They can also be placed anywhere you want, and their shells are incredibly durable!

Order the Trope Co.® Clam Trap™ today! You'll have your very own big, biting bivalve on your behalf!

* Pearl or other bait not included.
