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Trivia / The Driller Killer

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  • Banned in the UK: Due to its violence. Or rather, VIPCO's cover art, which made it seem more violent than it actually isnote ... a marketing ploy that ended up tricking one Constance Mary Whitehouse, who just so happened to be Britain's most outspoken and powerful Moral Guardian and who once admitted that she never actually watched the films she was railing against because she felt the covers told her everything she needed to know. In fact, The Driller Killer almost singlehandedly caused the Video Recordings Act of 1984 to be passed in the UK, effectively banning it as a video nasty for a considerable amount of time.
  • Completely Different Title: Became The Schizophrenic Killer with the Drill in Greece.
  • Descended Creator: Abel himself, credited as Jimmy Laine, plays Reno in one of his few acting roles.
  • No Budget: The movie was made for $20,000 and was shot on weekends.
