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Trivia / Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea

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  • Completely Different Title: The English dub goes from Les Mondes Engloutis ("The Engulfed Worlds") to Spartakus and the Sun Beneath The Sea, elevating Spartakus to main character.
    • If you compare the intros in the French and English versions, it look likes this is a side effect of the decision to do translated cover versions of the original songs plus the desire to move the title card from the end of the intro song to the beginning. The new position featured Arkadia and the Shagma/Tehra so, the sun had to be mentioned. What probably happened was the translator was stabbing around for something that vaguely kept the sense of the first lines of the refrain "Suis les mondes engloutis/Jusqu'au creux de la Terre" (something like "Follow the engulfed worlds/in the heart of the Earth", despite what Google Translate says), the second line became "to the Sun beneath the sea" and they then realized "Go follow Spartakus," fit in for the first line. And suddenly, they had their English language title.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: The French version has been released on DVD in Region 2. The English dub still hasn't been released anywhere.note  There are fan projects to sync up what English audio can be found from old tapes onto the higher-quality visuals of the French DVD.
    • Thankfully, this has been remedied as high-quality versions of the English version were released on-demand in Australia sometime during or before 2023, and now the entire series is available online in the language assuming people remain diligent about keeping it preserved.
  • Non-Singing Voice: The Pirates' song and the Flashbick were supposedly sung by, respectively, the Pirates and Bic and Bac, but in the original French the singing voices were provided by the child group Mini-Star and didn't sound anything like the decidedly adult speaking voices. Especially blatant in the case of the Pirates.
