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  • Bury Your Art: This is the one movie by Illumination Entertainment that it doesn't usually talk about anymore these days.
  • Creator Backlash: To date, Illumination's only movie not to turn a profit and the one film they don't seem interested in giving any further attention to, even though they released a Blu-ray by 2021, the film's 10th anniversary.
  • Creator's Oddball: The first and only live-action hybrid from Illumination, which has stuck to pure animation since.
  • Dawson Casting: James Marsden was 38 when the film was made, but is playing someone in his early 20s.
  • Follow-Up Failure: The second film from Illumination, coming off the bank making Despicable Me. Currently their lowest grossing and worst received film to date.
  • What Could Have Been: Illumination were originality intended as just a family and animation label of Universal Pictures. If the film was instead a critical and commercial success, Illumination would have made more live action films and animated films made from studios other than Mac Guff.
