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Trivia / Gaslit

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  • Development Hell: The series was originally announced in early 2020 but production was repeatedly delayed by a combination of scheduling difficulties, casting problems as several key actors dropped out and, unsurprisingly, COVID. Filming began in the summer of 2021, but Sean Penn objected to the lack of COVID protocols on set and threatened to leave the series since the studio would not comply with his requests, delaying filming by several months.
  • Duelling Works: In production at the same time as HBO's series White House Plumbers, which depicts the same events and features most of the same characters. Plumbers was ultimately pushed back to a May 2023 release so they wouldn't be in direct competition. John Carroll Lynch has a supporting role in both series, playing FBI Director L. Patrick Gray in Gaslit and John Mitchell in Plumbers.
  • What Could Have Been: Original casting choices included Armie Hammer as John Dean as Joel Edgerton as Gordon Liddy. Both dropped out due to the delay in filming mentioned above and were replaced by Dan Stevens and Shea Whigham, respectively.
