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Trivia / BUCK-TICK

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  • Breakup Breakout: Toll dropped out of high school in the hope of becoming a professional musician. The breakup of his second band - SP - left him at a loose end and free to (apparently reluctantly) join his kid brother's band as a temporary drummer in 1985. He never left.
  • Dye Hard: Sakurai's hair started out bleached blond, and while most of the band have tried different colors over the years, it's mostly Imai who has made an art form of it. By now he's probably run through every available hair color and a few more besides.
  • The Merch: BUCK-TICK produce a wide array of this, from the usual special edition DVDs and CDs; through t-shirts, towels and calendars; to jewelry/notepaper/bags/clothing designed by the band and the odd random thing like the grouchiest looking mini-figures you've ever seen. But no one seems to mind. After all, there's never been a lot of money in not being mainstream, and merch pays the bills.
  • No Export for You: Despite their huge overseas fanbase and many of their songs exported out from Japan, the reason the band never had an overseas tour is due to Imai's fear of flying.
  • The Pete Best: Araki was B-T's vocalist during the point in the band's life when Sakurai was still its drummer. Being inept at carrying melodies to the tracks coupled with the other members' increasing frustrations with him led to his getting fired and Sakurai becoming lead singer.
  • Promoted Fanboy:
    • All the band are this, to some extent, since they started out as a Stalin cover band and later had Michiro Endo guest at one of their shows and cover one of their songs. Both Sakurai and Imai have gone on to perform on stage/record with, have their songs covered by, or (in Sakurai's case) have songs WRITTEN for him by musicians they idolised back when they first started the band.
    • The members are fans of GeGeGe no Kitarō since they grew up watching the show. With the sixth TV adaptation of the manga released in 2018, they contributed in providing the fifth ending theme entitled "Rondo".
