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Trivia / Brazilian Star Wars

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  • Acting for Two: Carlos Kurt plays Igor, a minor villain who gets interrogated by Prince Flick for information about Zuco, and Zuco himself while Carlos Bucka makes the latter's voice.
  • Completely Different Title: Its original name, Os Trapalhões na Guerra dos Planetas translates as "The Tramps in Planet Wars". The movie became known as "Brazilian Star Wars" in the foreign circuit.
  • First Appearance: of Zacarias as part of the Tramps.
  • Same Language Dub: Darth Vader's Captain Ersatz Zuco had one actor in the costume (Carlos Kurt) and other in the voice (Carlos Bucka), just like in the source material, in which Vader had the body of David Prowse and the voice of James Earl Jones. Prince Flick and the Tramps' girlfriends were also dubbed.
