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Trivia / Arthur's Missing Pal

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  • Alan Smithee: Since it was a non-union project, both of the two voice actors from the actual show that reprised their roles here had to be credited under pseudonyms. Bruce Dinsmore was credited as "Bruce Smithee" for reprising Binky and Mr. Read, while Daniel Brochu was credited as "Conway Bruce" for reprising Buster.
  • Children Voicing Children: The only time in the franchise that either Muffy or Francine are voice by actual children outside of the Living Books games.
  • Cross-Regional Voice Acting: The voice cast is done in Los Angeles with only two of the regular Montreal actors (Daniel Brochu and Bruce Dinsmore, credited as "Conway Bruce" and "Bruce Smithee" respectively).
  • The Other Darrin: Almost everybody is recast with the exceptions of Binky Barnes, David Read and Buster Baxter.
