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Tearjerker / The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan

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  • The entire arc of Yuki and her dysmnesia. From Ryoko's worrying about both versions of Nagato, to the new personality realizing that she was going to vanish the next time she went to sleep, to her Anguished Declaration of Love to Kyon's panicked efforts to get to the park and find Yuki before her new personality, which confessed to him, is gone for good, only to make it after she's fallen asleep.
  • Valentine's Day. Yuki goes up to the clubroom to give Kyon a set of homemade chocolates that she'd prepared the night prior, only to walk in to find Haruhi in the clubroom, giving Kyon obligation chocolate. She runs off.
    • Ryoko confronts Haruhi on what she views as her thoughtlessness, and for a moment it looks as if she's going to hit Haruhi, but she draws back, exhausted and frustrated and sad for her friend, since she's a Shipper on Deck.
