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Tear Jerker / The Man in the Suit

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Who knew such a terrifying Analog Horror about GODZILLA would make you wanna cry?

As with all moments pages, Spoilers Off!

  • The situation the cameraman is in. He's trapped in Japan, with the risk of arrest, as he exposes Toho's terrible crimes along with mistreating people as if they're circus animals. No matter how much he wants to leave to see his family, he feels like he has to stay to make sure nothing awful happens again and Toho and TMITS are brought down to justice. The sight of his family's letter showing concern really gives a punch to the gut as we realize this guy is just an innocent cameraman who just came to Japan to shoot a movie, only for it to go downhill as a result of Toho's ignorance with safety and The Man In The Suit's xenophobia with Americans, along with being threatened with arrest should he expose their actions.
  • Surprisingly, The Man In The Suit has a tragic backstory on why he's even doing these horrible things to the actors and the staff. He lost his family from the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which he survived because of a business trip he had to attend to. Once he discovered his home in ruins and his family dead this outcome broke him down so hard that he swore vengeance on the Americans for their actions from World War II.
  • What happens to the family during the shooting of Godzilla vs Mothra as the daughter is another victim of TMITS who is forced to painfully fuse with the Mothra suit. As for her parents? They do try to stop the man only to be murdered
