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Tear Jerker / Tales of the Dekuverse

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As is the case with all pages detailing Tear Jerkering Moments, Spoilers Off

  • In both stories Bakugou has come to recognize how horrible he was to Izuku growing up and hates, being filled with self-loathing and sheer hatred for the Barbaric Bully he used to be. He regards it as a Dark Secret that stands a very good chance of being revealed and he dreads the day that will happen.
    • Izuku holds no grudge against Bakugou for his past behavior, feeling that he shouldn't be judged for how he behaved in his past instead of being looked at for how he is now. Izuku even tries to act as a Secret-Keeper as much as he can with the revelations that happen. Bakugou has escaped consequences for his horrible actions for years simply because of a combination of systematic racism toward those who are Quirkless, his old elementary and middle school teachers enabling such behavior, and Izuku being that good of a person. And Bakugou feels he doesn't deserve it because he was that bad.

Welcome to the MCU

  • Chapter 15 starts covering the events of First Avenger... with Izuku being Steve's counterpart. Yeah, this gets heartbreaking.
    • Izuku Rogers gets a Race Lift to be part Japanese... living in America during WWII. If you thought Steve had it hard before the Super Soldier serum just imagine if his nationality gave him even more problems. He even gets called "Japanese Scum" by the jerk that beat up Steve during their fight.
    • Rogers getting beaten up prompts righteous fury in most of the group... save for three of them. Izuku thinks back to how he hid Bakugou attacking him as kids from his and his guilt at doing so. Bakugou remembers beating Izuku up and laughing as a kid, how he lied about it to his mother and Inko, his Honorary Aunt and how feels sick even thinking about how he used to be. And then there's Eri, who cries over Izuku getting beaten up and nearly prompts Bakugou, who she sees as "Uncle Kacchan", to vomit in disgust.
    • Izuku admitting to his being bullied growing up. Everyone is a mix of furious and devastated that it happened at all to Izuku. Melissa dismally realizes that she avoided the worst of it given her father's reputation but Izuku didn't have that. Kirishima starts to realize that it's possible Bakugou bullied Izuku but uncertainly reassures himself his explosive friend wouldn't have acted like that. All Might is furious and heartbroken at the sheer cruelty of the world to Izuku and even Shigaraki and hates himself for not doing more about the prejudice the Quirkless receive, feeling like a hypocrite given his own past. Nezu fully connects the dots and intends to have words with Bakugou about it.
    • All Might had been aware of Izuku and Bakugou's pasts with each other but only realizes how bad things truly were following Izuku's admission. He's torn between reporting it in full because that would be what is right or keeping it hidden because he knows it will destroy Bakugou's future as a hero and leave him condemned by his peers. It's a situation with no good answer for the man who was the world's greatest hero.
    • The girls get a little too Distracted by the Sexy after the transformation in the movie and tear off Izuku's shirt to see how it compares but snap out of their lust when they see all of the scars he has. Izuku and Bakugou freak out because some of those scars include burns from Bakugou's explosions. It's a close call that gets cut off soon enough but it's looking like Bakugou is about to have his Dark Secret blown wide open sooner rather than later.
    • Erskine's death scene resonates a little too much with Izuku, causing him to activate his Blackwhip and Float Quirks subconsciously in his rage.
  • Chapter 20 has the argument scene between the Avengers. Everyone watching is very disturbed to see everyone turning on each other, especially the ones whose counterparts are present in the scene, but what hurts the most is the argument between Izuku's and Bakugou's counterparts. Their argument frightens everyone present, and it stirs up some emotions in the two of them as well, with Izuku wondering if he has really forgiven Bakugou for all he did to him over the years and Bakugou wondering if he has really changed. The worst part is towards the end when Izuku Rogers tells Bakugou to stop pretending to be a hero, in direct contrast to how the actual Izuku would never say such a thing, and Bakugou Stark in response calls Izuku "Deku" for the first time.
  • Present Mic's counterpart, Agent Yamada, plays the role of Agent Coulson from the films. So his death scene in Chapter 21 hits everyone watching pretty hard, especially for his fellow Pro-Heroes.
