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Tear Jerker / Superman of 2499: The Great Confrontation

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  • Alan Kent's start of darkness wasn't solely due to being rebuked by his father. When he found out his power wasn't enough to fix real troubles or inspire people who don't want to be inspired or simply get better, he despaired.
    “No. But—“ Klar looked about the room and then settled his gaze on his son. “Haven’t we raised you better than that, son? How did you get to be so duplicitous?”
    The younger man turned away.
    “Don’t,” said Klar. “Don’t, son. Please, face me. At least you owe me that.”
    When he did, Adam’s face bore a look of sadness. It was genuine. “Because I found out there were some things you couldn’t fix with strength. Because there were a lot of things that required more than the ability to bend steel with your bare hands, or leap tall buildings at a single bound. You can overpower a man if you have greater strength. But how do you change his heart? How do you change his mind?”
    Klar had nothing to say.
    “That’s the question I face every day as a businessman,” said Adam. “I have to use powers that aren’t just reserved to Kryptonians.”
    “And you think you’re the man who can change hearts and minds.”
    “I have to be. It’s what I do. It’s what I am.”
  • When the Joker -who was also Bron's butler- dies, Superman wants to stay with Batman. Batman demands to be left alone.
  • At the beginning Kath was thrilled with the idea of taking up the Supergirl mantle. Then Sybilla gave her a beat-down and Kath wondered if she was really cut out for the job.
