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Tear Jerker / Lucas the Spider

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Even for a series as happy as Lucas the Spider, sometimes there still are some downtrodden moments.

TV Series:

  • Findley the Fly's nervous breakdown near the end in the episode, "Big Jumping Spider". When he notices Lucas having fun by jumping around the house, he asks Lucas if he could try to do bigger jumps. As a result, Lucas tries crazy "Evil Knievel" style jumps all around the house (doubles as Moments of awesome) and although Lucas is having fun, Findley grows extremely worried as the jumps get riskier, and fears that Lucas may badly hurt himself. Throughout the course of the episode, he feels very regretful for accidentally encouraging this. Findley finally snaps when Lucas is about to perform the riskiest stunt; jumping in a toy car across the backyard. As Bohdi and Avacado cheer Lucas on, Findley has a panic attack and breaks down into tears. The poor guy even blames himself! It shows how much Findley cares about Lucas. Considering that this is the first time in the entire series (internet and TV) that anyone cries, it's hard to watch, especially since all these characters are so cute!
    Findley: (to himself) This is all your fault, Findley! Now, look what you've done! (sobs)
    • When Lucas overhears this, he feels awful. The poor spider feels so bad he scared his friend to the point of crying. At least this ends on a heartwarming note as Lucas decides it would be best for both his safety and Findley's emotional state not to perform the stunt.
  • It's not really dwelled upon, but Lucas' harp gets wrecked by the malfunctioning robot in the episode "The New Robot". That harp was with him since the Internet clips, and seeing it smashed to pieces is hard to watch. Luckily, Lucas manages to fix it (off-screen) as it is seen good as new, in the next episode, "Lonesome Lucas".
  • Lucas, having to say goodbye to Maizie, who has to hibernate for the winter in the episode, "Bye Bye Bee". He loves all his friends, saying goodbye to even one of them for that long breaks his heart. Throughout the episode, he stalls Maizie, by having one final playtime together before she goes, but eventually, Lucas runs out of things to do with Maizie. At this point, after trying to hide it, he then admits to her that he will miss her very much. She acknowledges this and reassures him that she will come back as soon as the hibernation season ends. This could hit hard to anybody who' had to say goodbye to a family member or friend, who has to move away, or in worse cases is close to death.
  • Almost everybody in the series has cried in the series at least once except Lucas. It hasn't happened yet in the series, but seeing Lucas cry would be very hard to watch.
