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Headscratchers / Lucas the Spider

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What does Lucas eat?

  • In "Giant Spider" Lucas claims he "Wouldn't hurt a fly." So what does he eat?
    • Larger insects like crickets, dragonflies, grasshoppers, and beetles.
    • Alternatively, he isn't the one doing the hurting. Most humans, after all, don't hurt animals, but still eat meat.
    • Lucas is still a predator, so he still needs to hunt to survive. It's more likely he means that he doesn't intentionally harm things unless he's either hungry or he feels they are a major threat to his survival. He is a spider, after all, and that's just part of how they survive.
    • Alternatively, since Lucas, while clearly a jumping spider, possesses characteristics of a number of different species, most notably being much larger than your average jumping spider, he could be partially based on the 'Bagheera kiplingi' breed of jumping spider, notable for having a largely herbivorous diet.
      • This is more or less confirmed in "I'm Starving", where Lucas is revealed to not eat meat implying this is indeed the case and he's not carnivorous to begin with.

Giant spider?

  • Is Lucas really a kid spider? Because he's much bigger than any real-world spiderling. The only way for him to be a youngster is if he belonged to a species much bigger than any real-world spider.
    • He might be a "kid" by spider standards, whereas, to us, the viewers, he's full-grown. That's what I'd roll with.

Two names, same guy?

  • Are Bzzt and Findley really the same character? In the original web series, Bzzt is already well aware that most species of spiders eat flies (it's been established that Lucas is a species of jumping spider that is pretty much herbivorous), whereas, as noted in the Funny Moments tab, Findley finds this out in a nature documentary on TV.
    • Unless he got over his fear of Lucas from his original appearanceā€¦ and then the nature documentary re-triggered it.
      • I figured that "Bzzt" is "Findley" in fly language, so they're probably the same guy.
