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Tear Jerker / Justice League × RWBY: Super Heroes & Huntsmen

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Part One:

  • You can't help but feel sorry for Jessica when nobody from her own team wants to help her find her ring.
  • When the Seer was strangling Jaune, it shows him glimpses of Pyrrha and the last one was of Cinder about to fire the fatal shot to her before Jessica freed him. Jaune never witnessed this event the first time it happened, so this tragic memory is more for the audience than him.
  • At one point, Jaune and Jessica team up to find the latter's Green Lantern Ring. As they proceed, Jaune keeps hearing Pyrrha's voice, culminating in him asking for her help and actually seeing her. They embrace, and Pyrrha promises that she's real. Despite flat-out stating that this can't be real, Jaune eventually gives in and decides to trust her. Moments later, Pyrrha is revealed to just be a digital simulation, and traps Jaune and Jessica in a sealed room.
  • Jessica sympathizes with Jaune because she to knows the pain of losing a friend.
    Jess: She seemed important to you.
    Jaune: She is. … Was.
    Jess: I’m sorry you lost her.
    Jaune: It was a long time ago.
    Jess: Time is only one part of grief.

Part Two:
