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Tear Jerker / Frieren: Beyond Journey's End

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  • The entire premise itself. You're a virtually immortal creature with an immensely long lifespan who went to an adventure to defeat the demon lord and parted with the rest of your party and promised to come back after 50 years. You're a long-living creature so these 50 years are of no problem for you, but once you've came back to meet your other friends, they are at their dying days because they are beings with much more ephemeral lifespans than you. It is only when it is too late that you realize you wasted so much time you could have spent with them, and the grief hits all too late.
  • Frieren's belated epiphany at Himmel's funeral, where she realizes how fleeting human lives are and regrets not spending more time with Himmel. It's the first time we see her display intense emotion, tears dripping down her face for the first time in a millennia, as she grieves the loss of someone so important to her.
  • Heiter revealing on his deathbed that he tricked Frieren for years into helping him try and translate an ancient document for immortality, so she would teach Fern magic and make his surrogate daughter strong enough to journey with her when he finally died.
  • While Macht was ultimately a danger to humanity as a result of his Blue-and-Orange Morality and had to be taken out, one cannot fault him for trying to achieve a way to co-exist with humanity. He is even possibly the only demon to have had a genuine friendship with a human and yet never realized it thanks to his nature as a demon.
