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Tear Jerker / Freddy Fazbear and Friends

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Sometimes, this series can be very depressing, and even hit at home for some viewers.

Season 1

Season 2

  • In Chica's Birthday Disaster, Bonnie slamming the cake into Chica's face could be considered upsetting, even moreso Freddy talking to Bonnie after the fact, in which the former says nobody likes the latter because he has to ruin everything, which makes Bonnie reconsider his actions.
  • It gets even worse in the next birthday episode, Bonnie's Birthday Surprise, as at this point, Bonnie had been led to believe all had been forgiven and he and Chica were considered friends now... enter Chica slamming the cake into his face, revealing she had made the entire thing up and they were never friends in the first place. This completely abandons Bonnie's nice guy arc and throws him back to hating Chica and kickstarting the arc of the next two episodes. Luckily, Chica gets her own laser-guided karma just a few episodes later
  • The final episode itself has a few sad moments, mainly with the latter members of the band, Chica and Foxy. Chica (who had been body-swapped with Bonnie) had grown attached to her new fitness, giving her a new sense of self-confidence, and Foxy (who had been body-swapped with Freddy), who's old age hadn't been faring him well, soon feels young again within Freddy's body, whilst Bonnie and Freddy are left utterly miserable in the former two's respective bodies. This leads both Chica and Foxy to not want to swap back with Freddy and Bonnie due to their insecurities. But whilst Foxy is persuaded to give back Freddy's body rather quickly, Chica still doesn't give in and ends up destroying the antidote, which causes both Bonnie and Golden Freddy to lose their temper. Springtrap is able to come by with a spare antidote, however, and everything goes back to status quo, much to the anger of Chica.

Season 3

  • In The Return of Nightmare Foxy, Foxy is struck and killed by Nightmare Foxy, and ends up giving a speech to the other animatronics before dying, which causes Bonnie to go on a grief-stricken rampage and beat up Nightmare Foxy, until the rabbit is cornered, who in turned is saved by Freddy, who had been un-nightmarefied.

Season 4

Season 6
