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Tear Jerker / Corruption Expanded

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With this mod expanding the scope of how the Corruption is affecting everyone, it can be a real Tear Jerker watching the fanon characters forced to watch the entire world be slowly turn into a apocalypse.

Unmarked spoilers for all the weeks as well as some late arrival spoilers for Friday Night Funkin': Corruption!

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  • Just like in canon story, Daddy Dearest is overpowered by the Corruption when forced to face off against his corrupted loved ones. However this time, the grief Daddy Dearest goes through is far more intense, as his daughter ends up joining the fight along with his wife.
  • For Boyfriend, he ends up suffering a worse fate compared to the original mod, as he is unable to break free out of his own Corruption. The injuries he had sustained from fighting Daddy Dearest has prevented Boyfriend from escaping the Corruption and being unable to do anything to assist the remaining surviving characters.

    Week 1 


  • Sarvente mentions on her dialog on how she once had a meltdown over Ruv not being with her and instead dedicating himself into helping the survivors facing the Corruption. Now that she is alone in her church, she feels horrible for her past actions and wishes to reassure herself.


  • Sarvente laments on how close she was into saving Skid and Pump from the Corruption, yet her efforts end up in vain. As a last resort, Sarvente chooses the option of sacrificing them and is apologetic of having to kill them.
  • Throughout the song, Sarvente is quickly getting corrupted by a Zerg Rush of corrupted victims, preventing her from being able to protect herself.
  • As the song ends, Sarvente can only let out a distorted version of her voice, implying that she has been overpowered by the Corruption.

    Week 2 


  • Ruv's journey to find Sarvente comes to an end when she finally arrives in her corrupted state, shattering the hopes Ruv might have to save her.
  • To make the situation even worse, Ruv barely succeeds in uncorrupting Sarvente, but his chance to save her are taken away once Evil Mommy Mearest and her henchmen do a Zerg Rush on him.
  • Although Carl and Joe did their best to assist Ruv on fighting the corrupted victims, they ultimately take the decision to leave Ruv all alone to struggle on having to take on the entire horde of corrupted victims.
  • Just as Pico temporarily breaks free of the Corruption to beg Ruv into killing him, Pico is quickly replaced by his evil self, and said evil self taunts Ruv of how death isn't enough to save the victims trapped inside the Corruption.
  • Despite the efforts Ruv has made to try and succeed in achieving his goals on either killing Pico or saving Sarvente, everything is All for Nothing as he ends up being corrupted in the end of his week.

    Week 3 
  • Tabi's tragedy over getting betrayed by Girlfriend and Daddy Dearest is increased by also having to deal with the Corruption endangering his life.
