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Tear Jerker / Angel Hare

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  • The entire premise of the first season is a tear jerker on its own. After rediscovering Angel Hare, a show Jonah fondly remembers from his childhood, Jonah begins remembering all of the painful memories he had surrounding "HIM", an unseen father figure from back then. This father figure is heavily implied to have been a highly frightening and violent figure in his life that beat him to the point of leaving permanent scars on his body.
  • Tape 3 opens up with Jonah recounting the permanent scars that HE had left on his body from all of the abuse he endured throughout his childhood:
    Everyone has scars. That's what I was told. My mom said mine were from horseplay as a child. I don't know what to believe anymore.
  • The ending of Tape 6 is this mixed with Heartwarming. Jonah livestreams an episode just to be sure he didn't imagine it all. The video starts with Francis calling to Angel Gabby, much like the start of a regular episode. She comes down to greet him, but seems distracted while glancing at the screen, asking if Francis brought a new friend with him, which leads to this.
    Jonah: (stammers in amazement) Um… it's-it's me! Jonah. I'm here! Do you… remember me?
    Angel Gabby: (looks surprised for a moment, then smiles warmly) I'm so happy to see you, Jonah. (goes up to the screen and presses her hand against it) Just look how well you've grown…
