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Sandbox / Quake II 64 Map Jam

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A mappack for the remastered version of Quake II, created in 2023 as a community showcase, using the diverse texture set of Quake II 64 as basis. The maps were created by Chnucki Erdbeer, Em3raldTig3r, Konig, Nicco, PalmliX, Doom-Shakalaka, theV, hardcore_gamer, sixsik6 and Shartuterie, and the jam was organized by Map-Center.

The maps of the pack are "The Hub", "Art Theft", "Weapons Factory", "Research Bunker", "Enclosure Escape", "The Dead Zone", "Battlefield", "Industrial Reunion", "Tenebrous", "The Meat" and "The Lair".

This mappack shows examples of:

  • Hub Level: The pack begins with "The Lair", a hub where the protagonist starts on a slipgate, facing a portal locked behind deadly lasers. Passing each level shuts down the lasers.
  • Non-Standard Game Over: "Battlefield" is a Timed Mission. If you don't stop the Strogg invasion to the ship in time, it triggers a cutscene which signals a mission failure.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: After getting down the elevator in "The Dead Zone", the player faces a pitch-black room where the only thing visible is the elevator. Getting into the pitch-black zones trigger the flashlight. Trying to get off-limits pushes the character back. Then your computer starts malfunctioning, receiving messages from an unknown entity. This lasts until a window opens with the Data CD, afterwards the computer will print "you will die", and a wave of Stalkers begin harassing the player.
