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This page is all-purpose for covering the Japanese only lore/story/characterization info from Flower Knight Girl (sourced from the JP wiki's, the one English Fan Translation, or raw text from the game), and/or setting up other subpages.

Note: Translations are bound to not be 100% accurate with JP text that is machine translated. Exercise caution and cross-reference at most when using/including info here.EXTRA IMPORTANT NOTE: If some dialogue is copy-and-pasted from somewhere, be sure to state as such and cite the source; said direct word-for-word copy-and-pastes must not see use in the actual pages, to avoid violations of plagiarism.



Winter Jasmine: Jack-in-the-Pulpit-san is also taking care of me. Yeah, I want to be that kind of woman that can do things effortlessly!

-If option 1, “Jack-in-the-Pulpit is certainly an amazing woman.” is chosen;

Winter Jasmine: Eh... Did you say “That Winter Jasmine is an amazing person” over there just now?

This isn't the kind of place to be complimenting others, right? Jasmine read in a romance novel that the man would often compliment the lady? Why would you say something like that...?

... It's only natural that Jasmine would be amazing, so I thought I'd tell you that there's no need to say it...?

Whaat, that's what you meant! And you're Danchou-san too! You surprised me♪

Ehehe♪ Jasmine's an amazing lady♪ I'm so happy♪

-If option 2, “It would be great to become someone like Jack-in-the-Pulpit.” is chosen;

Winter Jasmine: Eh... Did you say “Winter Jasmine is great the way she is.” over there just now?

Didn't the main character in Jasmine's favourite romance novel say something similar? Why isn't Danchou-san saying that to me? Does he want to make Jasmine sad...?

...... If I implement all of Jack-in-the-Pulpit-san's good points, I'd have thought that Jasmine's charms would be further refined...?

That's right, I can get behind that thinking! Jasmine might have found a new way to increase her charms!

Ehehe♪ Danchou-san was thinking about how charming Jasmine is, wasn't he♪


This is for a future recap page.

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Main Story

    Part 1 

Mission 1 - At the base of Phos Hill

A newly appointed Knight Commander meets up with Nazuna, along with several other Flower Knights in Saint Paulia, Silver Orchid, Turnip Rape, and Great Burnet, in Phos Hill — the place where the legendary heroes of the past, along with first Flower Knight Phos, had started their own journey — to start their first subjugation of Pests.

Half of the missions consists of teaching the player elements of gameplay (multiple teams for multiple paths, fully completing rewards the player, the Springs of Restoration healing spots), with the last mission having the team face off and defeat "the Menace of Spring Garden". After their accomplishment, the group is approached by Royal Princess, a knight of Winter Rose, who asks the team to help her search for Queen Novalis.

Mission 2 - The Plains Before Garde

With Royal Princess accompanying the group to find Novalis, the group travels to the Garde Citadel — a fortress within the mountainous border region between Winter Rose and Blossom Hill — to hopefully find the queen returning there after getting separated. As the group treks closer to the cold region, most of the girls develop sneezing fits from the cold air — with the exception of Royal Princess, who at most remarks that she doesn't feel cold in response to the other's complaints.

After defeating the major Pest in the area, the group is unable to find Novalis at the location, with it being concluded that she's still in Blossom Hill somewhere. Silver Orchid, after consulting with Nazuna about the next location to be stationed at, asks for Royal Princess to accompany them in the meantime for their next task further south in Navia Plains while searching for Novalis.

Mission 3 - Navia Plains

The group treks to Navia Plains in the southern part of Blossom Hill, stationing near the port town. With it being hard to find Novalis in the vastness of the nation with only a small group traveling by foot, Nazuna opts to get some directions from the expedition team Acacia Corps. Meeting up with said team on short notice, Cherry Sage recalls having seen what looked like Novalis moving past a hillside in the distance.

After marching uphill for hours towards the destination, at the top they meet with Yellow Pansy, another Winter Rose knight, who had met up and hiked with Novalis a while ago — the latter parting ways towards a large lake, the shores of Mimius. Yellow Pansy volunteers to show the way to the lake.

Mission 4 - Lake Shore of Mimuisu

The Mimius lake shores were once a prime spot as a fishing ground, which has since lost its luster as such due to increase in Pest activity, leading to only Pest and knights fighting Pest occupying the area. As the main group's arrives on the scene, Royal Princess ponders with the Pest activity in mind why Novalis would go out of her way to this dangerous area.

With Novalis still alluding them, it's opted for the group to split up to cover more ground. Turnip Rape and Great Burnet attempt to call out for Novalis by yelling out... or at least the former does, who in turn reprimands the latter for being too quiet in her attempts, showing off with a much louder shout that grabs the attention of a Pest. Elsewhere, Silver Orchid, Saint Paulia and Yellow Pansy search close to the lake-shore, the latter two getting too close looking at the water and falling in after Turnip Rape's shouting startles them.

After meeting up together again, Royal Princess's question about the whereabouts of Novalis towards the sneezing Yellow Pansy gets met with a straightforward answer: Novalis' figure is in the distance, and appeared to be ambushed by a group of Pests, prompting the knights into action.

With Novalis safely rescued, the group reconvenes at less Pest-infested area. Royal Princess expresses her worries and concerns for Novalis, reprimanding them for leaving their post at Winter Rose. Novalis in return states that she finds staying in her castle detrimental to her ideals of understanding her people.

Novalis: I am indeed the queen of Winter Rose. But... because of that, I don't intend to stay cooped up in my castle. With my eyes, with my ears—I need to be able to feel and share the same world with my people, or my... no. The people's dream of eliminating the threat of pests around the world would never be realized.

After their argument concludes, Royal Princess and Novalis extends their thanks towards the Commander's group for their help, with the queen promising a warm welcome for when they come to Winter Rose. With the problem resolved, Nazuna breaths a sigh of relief, expressing gratitude for the quick resolution, along with asking if everyone should go back to the main city for the job well done.

Mission 5 - Purifying the Forest District

A while after the last mission, the Commander's knight group heads from the center city of Blossom Hill to the nation of dark greenery, Lily Wood, having been invited as representation for the former country courtesy of Lily Wood's queen recognizing the Commander's efforts. Silver Orchid, a representative of Lily Wood, plays the part of a guide for the group... with one problem.

Silver Orchid, after trekking through the forest for a while, confesses to being lost and not knowing where to go, since she can't remember parts of forest. While opting to travel in one straight direction in the hopes of finding a familiar landmark, the group comes across Yellow Tulip, a fellow Flower Knight of Lily Wood and a pharmacist, with Silver Orchid asking for them to escort them to the central town, to which the pharmacist agrees.

Yellow Tulip shares a little about her job as well as why she's out and about in the forest: she wants to obtain some wildflowers near a pest nest for her medicine/drug, with her asking for knight group on short notice to help her with defeating some pest to get the wildflowers as a returning favor for her help. After successfully returning the favor for Yellow Tulip and continue their search for the main town (after they jokingly saying that she wouldn't do so, to Turnip Rape's irritation), they meet with another Flower Knight, Gladiolus, who is searching for somebody and asks to tag along for the trip to the town.

By the end, they finally reached the central town of the nation. Yellow Tulip holds up her end of the bargain and bids farewell so she can make her promised concoction. Gladiolus, while also parting ways with the group, asks the group to let her know at the inn if they find a Flower Knight known as Balloon Flower, who's dressed in a red and white Miko ensemble. Nazuna closes off the scene with her expressing excitement over whatever mission the queen of Lily Wood would give the group, along with hope for the journey ahead.

Mission 6 - Needle Thin Corridor

Within the central town of Lily Wood, the Commander's group had an audience with the nation's queen, who assigned them to guard the Mizu Corridor, a series of roads to and from the town developed as a key point in regards to national trade. After being given the mission, the group find themselves recuperating from the severe pressure just speaking with and listening to the queen and her cold and formal attitude — an indication of Lily Wood's generally static customs and traditions — with them quickly moving on to their goal. While discussing of the Mizu Corridor, Silver Orchid recalls a legend, that the road's name is an abbreviated name of a monster that was once sealed deep underground, but that's a story for another day...

Meeting up with another Flower Knight assigned to the Mizu Corridor, Sweet Pea, who remarks that the abnormal abundance of Pests in the area feels like a bad omen, perform their duty guarding the assigned area to keep Pests out of the city. When it seem like the Pests showing up at the walkway is becoming too much for the group to handle, Sweet Pea leaves for the capital to request for backup and to evacuate the citizens, while also silently pondering to herself how capable the newcomer group is.

The Commander's group exceeds at preventing a single Pest from entering the city, with them meeting up with Fragrant Olive getting caught up in the situation. Sweet Pea returns after her self assignment, ragged and out of breath from running to the city and back (which Turnip Rape snarks it's likely because of their large hammer), to inform the group of a report of Pests breaking through a deteriorating barrier from a section of the Mizu Corridor.

With the quick response to a large swarm of Pests, thus preventing a crisis before it even happened, the Commander's group became known by the people Lily Wood little by little. Thanking the group for their efforts, Sweet Pea offers them to stay in one of the Lily Wood inns they've secured.

Mission 7 - The Deep Forests of Eda

Mission 8 - Outer Walls of Ioru

Mission 9 - Mozu Forest District

Mission 10 - The Frozen Lake of Fuva

Mission 11 - Neidhoeger Snow Fields

Mission 12 - The Ruins of Dyne

Mission 13 - Old Phos Training District

Mission 14 - The Outer Walls of Blossom Hill

Mission 15 - The Spirit of Forest Oz

Mission 16 - White Lily Highway

Mission 17 - Flasberg Valley

Mission 18 - Ruins of Bremen Defense Base

    Part 2 

    Part 3 

    Part 4 

    Part 5 

Event Stories
