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Recap / Yu Gi Oh Anime S 1 E 37 Yugi Vs Pegasus Match Of The Millennium 3

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Yugi tries to counter Pegasus's Millennium Eye by summoning Dark Magician and using Magical Hats to hide him. However, Pegasus can still read his mind and figure out which hat he is hiding under. Desperately, Tea calls out to Yugi that while Pegasus may have magic, so does he: the power of the Millennium Puzzle!

Quickly, Yugi and Yami Yugi meet in their Soul Room hallway and devise a plan: They'll switch minds every turn, not even telling each other their strategies so Pegasus can't read their minds. Pegasus attacks a hat... and is shocked to miss! Realizing their strategy but having no way to counter it, his frustration grows when he misses again. Pegasus decides to destroy the hats with a spell card, but Yugi activates the Living Arrow card to send it back and destroy Toon World and the Gorgon's Eye. Toon Summoned Skull then tries to destroy the Dark Magician, but Mirror Force destroys it and all of Pegasus's monsters, taking out a huge chunk of Pegasus's Life Points.

Meanwhile, Tristan and Yami Bakura are cornered in the dungeon, but Bakura uses Man-Eater Bug and Morphing Jar to dispatch the guards to the graveyard. Tristan realizes that Bakura is really the spirit of the Millennium Ring, who wants to use Mokuba's body for himself.

Back at the duel, Pegasus decides to finish the contest in the Shadow Realm. Using his Eye, he pulls Yugi into a deadly Shadow Game...

This episode contains examples of:

  • Attack Reflector: Yugi's two facedowns both send Pegasus' moves back at him. First, after Pegasus uses Magical Neutralizing Force to destroy Yugi's Magical Hats, Yugi uses Living Arrow to do the same thing to Toon World. Then he uses Mirror Force to reflect Toon Summoned Skull's attack, destroying Pegasus' monsters.
  • Cliffhanger: The episode ends with Tristan and Mokuba in dire straits and Pegasus pulling Yugi into a deadly Shadow Game.
  • Gambit Roulette: Yugi and Yami's plan to use the 'Mind Shuffle' technique to counter Pegasus's mind-reading ability relied heavily on the idea that neither of them would do something that would basically 'invalidate' the other's strategy, and that they would play something useful, and yet they are able to coordinate their efforts and destroy Toon World.
  • Hope Spot: Yugi and Yami using the 'Mind Shuffle' allows them to destroy Toon World, along with all Pegasus' monsters, and take the lead in the duel, before Pegasus decides to finish the duel in the Shadow Realm.
  • Oh, Crap!: Pegasus' reaction to Yugi and Yami using Mind Shuffle to counter his mind-reading ability.
  • This Cannot Be!: Pegasus is shocked when Yugi destroys his Toon monsters and a huge chunk of his Life Points.
    "It's impossible! I can't believe you've destroyed all my beloved Toons! Oh! No! No, no, no, no, no! This is a nightmare! A bad dream! This can't truly be happening! OHHHH!"
  • Wham Line: Midway through the episode, Pegasus is about to use the Millennium Eye to read Yami's mind and wait...why is Yugi speaking?!
