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Recap / Tuttle Twins S 1 E 6 The Inflation Monster

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Summary: With their eyes set on a big carnival prize, Ethan and Emily learn that printing more tickets causes prices to rise. They visit Ancient Rome and Modern Zimbabwe to see the Inflation Monster at work, then rush back to save the carnival.

This episode contains the following tropes:

  • An Aesop: "Inflation hurts a nation."
  • Fan Disservice: Milton Friedman buys a pair of skinny jeans in 2008 because they're "in." His struggles with them leave Gabby and the twins rather disturbed.
Ethan: At least I'm not thinking about Ben Franklin's big, weird head anymore.
  • Historical Domain Character: Milton Friedman, one of the most famous economists in American history, joins the Tuttles for their adventure.
  • Literal Metaphor: Gabby creates a pair of goggles that allow the user to see metaphors, including the "inflation monster" as a literal, physical entity superimposed on reality.
  • Nepotism: Karinne is able to get away with inflating ticket prices at the carnival because her uncle runs the carnival.
  • Parental Sexuality Squick: Ethan gets grossed out when Mr. Tuttle jokes about turning the van into a "kissing booth" with Mrs. Tuttle.
  • Toilet Humor: Derek eats several gold coins in ancient Rome...then uses them to pay Karinne's uncle for a game he broke. Karinne's uncle questions why they're still warm.
