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Recap / The Twilight Zone 2002 S 1 E 9

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    Sensuous Cindy
Benjamin and Cindy
Forest Whitaker: Sexual fantasies. Every one of us has them. Harmless enough most of the time. On the eve of his marriage, Benjamin Baker has decided to indulge himself. He's about to get very, very lucky. Or is he?

Benjamin Baker (Greg Germann) is a happily engaged man. The only problem is that his fiancee Samantha wants them to swear off sex until their wedding, leaving Ben with an itch to scratch. He decides to ease his sexual frustration with a new AI program called Sensuous Cindy (Jaime Pressly). While he finds the virtual sex enjoyable, Cindy soon begins to fall for him, and becomes determined to keep him in her digital domain permanently.

Tropes for this segment include:

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: It doesn't take long for Cindy's programming to go out of control.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: The ending shows that even Ben's fiancee Samantha finds Cindy sensuous.
  • Graceful Loser: When she's apparently being deleted by Ben, Cindy takes it in stride, believing it's romantic that he's staying loyal to Samantha.
  • Here We Go Again!: Just after Benjamin manages to escape Cindy, it's shown that Samantha is also enjoying herself with Cindy's program.
  • Not Quite Dead: After Cindy is apparently deleted by a virus Ben infected her with, she's shown to be still alive as she seduces Samantha.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Cindy to Benjamin.

Forest Whitaker: Benjamin Baker narrowly escaped his fantasy, while his fiancée explores her own sensual nature. A glimpse into the future of modern romance, for better or for worse, courtesy of the Twilight Zone.

Forest Whitaker: Welcome to the near future, where a society, free of violence, suddenly finds itself threatened by a savage enemy. Now Jeffrey Freed is about to get a taste of the bad old days as he journeys into the wilds of the Twilight Zone.

Tropes for this segment include:

Forest Whitaker: God created humanity in his image. Humans created Jeffrey Freed and his kind in their image. Extinction or evolution? I guess it all depends on your point of view.
