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Recap / The Genius S 2 E 11 Elevator Game

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Elevator Game (Black and White)

Date of recording: January 26, 2014
Air date: February 15, 2014
Games inspired by: Elevator game — Snakes and Ladders

Three remaining players are united into "Genius" team. They are playing against "avenging team" made of players eliminated earlier: Jinho, Doohee and Dahye.

Teams are represented by 2 pieces on a board very similar to Snakes and Ladders. The goal is to reach 100 on a 10x10 board with numbered cells. Elevators are placed so if piece step on it — they go up or if end up on a descending elevator — fall several stories down.

Revenger's goal is just to reach 100. If they do that — 10 eliminated players up to this round (including 3 revengers) get monetary prize of 2 million ₩ each.

Players' team goals are more complex. Regardless if they win or lose — player with the most points among them goes further to the finale. In case Genius team wins prize pool in the finale gets bigger by the same 20 million ₩ that eliminated players are not gonna get.

Players also have have individual points. Each of them places tens markers on board and if either of pieces reaches that spot — they get a point.

Moves are not decided by random dice, players press either 0 or 1 on a smartphone-like voting device. Sum of votes determines how far pieces go. Players and revengers vote on movement of both pieces.

Similarly to "Kong's Dillemma" in season 1 one can achieve victory in several ways: you can earnestly go for team win and cooperate and combine your votes in taking the shortest route through elevators. Or you can be selfish and undermine your own team efforts to make team piece land only on your personal markers to rack up points.

Junghyun tries to make Yohwan and Sangmin work as a team but his cooperation plan fails right off the gate. Neither Yohwan and Sangmin want to cooperate and take the shortest route to the end if it means giving points to others and risking ending up in today's Deathmatch.

Sangmin racks up a lot of points and viewers get flashback showing that he betrayed his team. Each time after Genius team decided on their votes together, he would leak that information to Revenger team using a system of cues. Revenger team then knowing how many 1s Genius team put out can reliably move both pieces the way they see fit steadily advancing themselves and barely moving Genius team while making sure to hit Sangmin's markers to give him points.

Junghyun starts to suspects something and demands Revengers to vote first so that mole can't leak Genius team's votes. They do that once and further on Revenger team makes sure to give other players some token points to allay suspicion off Sangmin. Both teams reach 80s and that's where Sangmin (who already is in comfortable lead by points) starts thinking if he can ditch Revengers and get first place gaining extra 20 million in the prize pool.

Dahye sees he's wavering and Revengers start to vote first from now on, cutting all ties with Sangmin. Jinho uses his knowledge of how Yohwan thinks to force him into voting exactly as he wants. Revengers win and Sangmin having the most points in Genius team goes to the finale.

Junghyun and Yohwan are left to play Deathmatch. They are playing Black and White again. Yohwan has made sure to study this game and learned Junghyun's strategy during his game with Yooyoung. Yohwan executes a strategy fine tuned against Junghyun's way of play and wins elimination game.

Yohwan and Sangmin are in the finale of Rule Breaker.


  • Aside Glance: both Yohwan's and Sangmin's reaction to Junghhyun talking about working together for team win.
  • Briar Patching: Jinho who has years of experience playing Starcraft against Yohwan (and losing) knows how he operates. He dares him to go 0... and Yohwan convinces his team to do exactly that thinking it is some kind of trick and they lose the main match.
  • Betrayal Insurance: situation arises where Genius team can fully recover and win the game ahead of Revengers. Sangmin recognizes it and starts weighing in if he should drop spying for Revengers and fully commit to his team win. Dahye notices his doubt and prevents him double-crossing by deciding to vote first from now on.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Yohwan maybe be terrible at main matches losing every single one of them but he does his homework for Deathmatches. He studied Black and White game and made all the right conclusions about Junghyun's strategy. When he himself played Black and White against Junghyun he knew exactly what to do.
  • Miming the Cues: Sangmin
  • Rousing Speech: Junghyun gathers Sangmin and Yohwan and says this speech how they should all go together and aim for team win against Revengers without betraying each other.
  • Think Happy Thoughts: Junghyun got to show his positive personality. When his team starts losing and he gets too worked up about the game, he started making circles around the hall to calm himself up. He did the same when he got eliminated.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Junghyun for even thinking that his treacherous partners Sangmin and Yohwan will go along with his team plan.
