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Recap / The Crystal Kingdom Chapter Seven

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"I hope Merle's proficient in unarmed combat! ...I'm sorry, I'm better than that, and you should expect more from me. It's The Adventure Zone!"
The Announcer

See here for the main recap page.

Our heroes recover after performing some impromptu emergency surgery on their holiest team member, and then, after kicking it for a while, learn the secrets of the universe. No big deal. Taako tries on a new voice. Magnus does some backseat Regulating. Merle learns about an exciting new plant.


  • Badass Transplant: Merle's new Artificial Limb is an arm made of living soul-wood, a psychically tuned plant that responds to his reflexes like a normal arm.
  • Magic Mirror: Maureen invented the Cosmoscope, a series of crystal discs that could see into the 12 planes that make up their universe's planar system.
  • Static Stun Gun: Lucas electrocutes everybody with panels embedded in their null suits to make his escape.
  • Time Stands Still: The Red Robe freezes Lucas's planar presentation and addresses the three with "What's bigger than this?", the question Lucas immediately asks when time is Un-Paused.
