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Recap / The 100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Really Really Really Love You Ch 027

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The story thus far: they ate a ton of food.

The final round of the tournament is ramen, and as the points will be doubled, there's no telling who will win. With the other girls still feeling unwell, Kurumi decides to participate alone, matching Takeko noodle for noodle. The Gorira Alliance, on the other hand, is feeling too unwell to participate, but when their boss vows to show them the willpower of the Alliance, they jump in to assist...and are promptly carted off to the hospital in an ambulance, leaving Kurumi and Takeko as the only competitors.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Takeko has been cheating throughout the entire competition. The skin covering half of her face is actually made out of Papier Mache, and beneath it is a huge hose and tank, into which she pukes any food she puts in her mouth. This is what enables her to "eat" many bowlfuls of ramen, while Kurumi gets full on bowl 22. Regretting that she had refused to let the others help her in the previous rounds, Kurumi is surprised to see the others jump in to help her even though she had been mean to them, and this is what encourages her to keep eating. Takeko is immediately dismissive at the thought of them beating her, only to change her tune when she realises that all the food she pretended to eat has filled up the tank, but she carries on anyway, believing that her empty stomach can still enable her to beat the full ones of Rentarou's Family.

As the round approaches its time limit, both teams are finding it hard to keep going. Despite this, they have both eaten the same number of bowls, and their current bowls only have one bite of noodles left in them. Determined not to lose, Kurumi is about to eat the last bite of her ramen, but Rentarou convinces her to let him eat it, finishing it at the same time as Takeko. However, Takeko is unable to stop herself from throwing up, making Rentarou's Family the winner of the tournament. While the girls tuck into the gelato prize, Kurumi apologises for how horrible she's been to them, but the girls hold no grudge and even let her share bites of their gelato.

Outside the tournament hall, Kurumi thanks Rentarou for inviting her to the tournament, and kisses him.


  • Ambulance Cut: Exactly one panel after the Gorira Alliance attempt to finish the ramen-eating round, they are shown being taken away by ambulances.
  • Bland-Name Product: The announcer compares Kurumi and Takeko to D*sons.
  • The Cameo: The God of Love makes an extremely brief appearance to comment on Takeko's cheating.
  • Manly Tears: The members of the Gorira Alliance shed these when their boss vows to show them the willpower of the Alliance. The announcer ends up shedding them as well.
  • Oh, Crap!: This is Takeko's reaction to discovering that the tank she's been using to cheat has been filled up, and she now has to rely on her own stomach.
  • Page Three Stunna: The chapter opens with a color picture of Hakari in a swimsuit.
  • Shout-Out: Takeko's cheating is compared to something out of Kaiketsu Zorori.
  • Vomit Discretion Shot: Takeko's vomit is pixellated.
