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Recap / Teen Titans Go S 6 E 5 Crab Shenanigans

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Beast Boy, Negative Girl, and Robotman hang out with some punk crabs that are up to no good.

  • False Friend: Beast Boy and Negative Girl end up getting robbed by the punk crabs they were trying to befriend when they decide to invite them into the Doom Patrol house.
  • Here We Go Again!: In the end, Beast Boy and Negative Girl claim they've learned their lesson from hanging out with the stating they're instead going to hang out with seagulls, which immediately start pecking at the Doom Patrol and upsetting Negative Girl enough that she goes nuclear anyways.
  • Playing Sick: Negative Girl pretends to fall ill in order to get out of doing her chores, only to ditch her body after putting it in her bed.
  • Poke the Poodle: Robotman tries to prove that he can be just as much of a "bad boy" as the crabs, but everything he does is interpreted as a good thing, such as an attempt at painting graffiti on a store wall turning into a mural that the store's owner loves. Even stealing candy from a baby has other people praise him for preventing the baby from choking on it.
  • Potty Emergency: When Negative Girl ditches her body, she tells Beast Boy and Robotman that they can't hang out on the beach too long, or else her body will lose bowel control and she'll cause a nuclear explosion from embarrassment. While the entire Doom Patrol is tense after the crabs take her body during their robbery, she is able to return to it and get to a port-a-potty just in time to prevent disaster.
  • Shark Fin of Doom: One of the ways the crabs get up to trouble is by doing this to prank some beachgoers. Robotman tries to join in with a fake walrus head, only to get chomped by an actual shark.
  • Team Mom: Elasti-Girl acts as this for the team, wanting Negative Girl to finish her homework and chores before going out to play.
