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Recap / Teen Titans Go S 2 E 17 The Mask

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When Robin insists that he can't take off his mask and reveal his greatest secret, the other Titans scheme to unveil him.

  • And Now You Must Marry Me: When Robin reveals that he's been hiding a Lantern Jaw of Justice, a similarly-faced alien invades and insists on taking him as her husband, threatening to blow up the Titans when they refuse to give him up.
  • Conjoined Twins: The end of the episode reveals that Robin's true secret is that a tiny, identical, parasitical twin is living in his left eye socket.
  • The Cuckoolander Was Right: When the other Titans are hypothesizing what could be under Robin's mask, Starfire suggests that it's a parasitic twin, grossing the other Titans out. At the end of the episode, it turns out that Robin's Lantern Jaw of Justice was just a Latex Perfection mask, and underneath that, he indeed has a tiny parasitic twin in place of a left eye.
  • Lantern Jaw of Justice: The moment that Robin does takes his mask off when the other Titans threaten to quit over trust issues, his entire face changes to become handsome with a square jaw.
  • Latex Perfection: Robin's Lantern Jaw of Justice face turns out in the end to just be a mask over another of his domino masks over his real face, even when handsome Robin's eyes were capable of looking around like real eyes.
  • Production Throwback: Robin claims that he once willingly removed his mask in the original Teen Titans (2003) show, but the second it came off, three missiles immediately tracked him down and hit Titan Tower.
