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Recap / Strong Bad Email E 51 Website

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Airdate: Monday, November 18, 2002

Sender: James

Strong Bad: (rising in intensity) Oh-you-thought-there-was-no-more-emails-but-guess-what-there's-an-EMAIL!

Yes, just when you thought there were no more emails, Strong Bad gets one from "Website, I mean James", who wants advice on making his own website. Strong Bad spells out the fundamentals:

  • A long, animated Flash intro, "Like this one The Cheat made for me."
  • Lots of animated gifs, especially the "rotate-y" kind.

As long as you have those, it doesn't matter what your website is about.

Strong Bad: I mean, James, the Internet is a place where absolutely nothing happens. You need to take advantage of that. I mean, you can make a webpage of your cat... (brings up a picture of a cat with a thought balloon reading "It's 4th and 10, now WHERE'S MY SUPPER?!?") Or your The Cheat (brings up a picture of The Cheat with a thought balloon reading "It's 4th and 10, I hate cats.") And who knows? Maybe tomorrow you'll be really big in Pakistan. Or at least, with some guy named Stan. Anyways, I gotta go work on my webpage. (leaves the room)
(The Paper comes down)


  • Big in Japan: invoked
    Strong Bad: And, who knows? Maybe tomorrow you'll be really big in Pakistan. Or at least, with some guy named Stan.
  • Call-Back: Strong Bad's opening references the Compy recovering from Homestar screwing it up last time.
  • Easter Egg: The email ends with a link to Strong Bad's website. On said website, there are a few more links hidden at the bottom of the page, one of which links to a looping animation of Strong Bad's Email Processing Room. On the DVD the email is on, the source code for the website is on the disc itself, and can be accessed by inserting the DVD into a computer.
  • The Internet Is for Cats: Strong Bad suggests making a website about one's pets, like "your cat or your The Cheat".
  • Malicious Misnaming: James uses the word "website" way too many times in his email, so Strong Bad mocks it by "accidentally" pronouncing James as "website".
  • Stylistic Suck: Strong Bad's website is a spot-on parody of the glut of personal websites in the 90s and early 2000s (the sort of sites that disappeared once social networking sites like Myspace and Facebook took over their niche), featuring pointless animations, completely unnecessary frames, a "website still under construction" notice and broken images.
  • Take That, Audience!: A (nonfunctional) page view counter on the bottom of Strong Bad's website informs anyone reading that "You are the [000016]th biggest loser, ever."

Strong Bad: (mimicking guitar riffs over his website's flash intro, then stops) Uh, I'm not sure about the quality of this microphone, The Cheat.
