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Recap / Star Wars: Visions "Aau's Song"

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Aau is a Force-sensitive girl whose voice causes strange things to happen to the kyber crystals on her planet, something her father is scared of. However, the situation surrounding the crystals is not all that it seems and her singing may be essential to saving them all.

Animated by Triggerfish Animation Studios.


  • Bittersweet Ending: Though it leans somewhat more on the sweeter side than the other bittersweet shorts; Aau decides to leave with Kratu in order to nurture her Force-sensitivity, but she does get a sweet send-off with her father before she departs.
  • Breather Episode: Similarly to "I Am Your Mother", the episode serves as a much less heavy end to the season, as although there is a conflict, it's on a much smaller scale.
  • Call to Adventure: Aau receives two calls to adventure: first, when she hears the crystals in the distant mine singing to her, and she leaps across a chasm to go investigate. Second, when the Jedi Kratu offers to take Aau away from her planet to train her in the use of her force abilities.
    Kratu: We cannot choose where our calling takes us. Only whether or not to answer.
  • Expressive Hair: Aau's dreads occasionally poof out a bit when she's shocked, or otherwise excited.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: The Sith responsible for corrupting the Kyber crystals. They're long gone in the present day, but their actions continue to cause trouble for the people of Korban.
  • The Hero's Journey: Aau experiences a succinct version of the hero's journey. She starts in a wasteland created by the ancient Sith bleeding the kyber crystals of an entire world, she jumps across a chasm to answer the Call to Adventure, she is a literal rabbit person entering a magical world down a hole, and her apotheosis sets off a World-Healing Wave which purifies the kyber in the planet on at least a regional scale.
  • Magic Music: Aau perceives the Force as a singing/chanting only she can hear, and she can channel its power by singing along with it. Her father thinks she is cursed with the Brown Note, but Aau's singing has the power to heal the Sith-cursed kyber crystals on their planet, something the Jedi could only do with great effort for each crystal.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Api's fear of the crystals reacting to Aau's voice causes him to stop her in the middle of cleansing the mountain, which cause the Kyber crystals to react violently when returned to being red.
  • No Antagonist: There is no villain in this episode. The Sith are mentioned in the opening crawl as having corrupted the crystals of Korban, but none appear. Aau's father Api is at worst overprotective, but he turns a new leaf after seeing what his daughter can do.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Kratu seemingly understands the gravity of the choice she offers Aau in leaving to train with her, so she gives her two weeks to make that decision.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: Abat forbids Aau from singing near the kyber crystals because they react violently to her voice. This is true, but only because her singing keeps getting interrupted, and the violence comes from the crystals snapping back to their corrupted state. When she's allowed to finish her song, all the crystals are purified.
  • Righteous Rabbit: The Korban species bears a distinct resemblance to rabbits, and Aau in particular is shown to be a kind girl who only wants to express her singing.
  • Signature Headgear: Kratu sports an impressively wide-brimmed hat, which helps accentuate her exotic nature as a Jedi.
