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Recap / Recess S 4 E 18 Here Comes Mr Perfect

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  • An Aesop: Even if there's Always Someone Better, instead of giving up or resenting the aforementioned "someone", it can be seen as an incentive to get better or learn from them.
  • Expelled from Every Other School: Played with. It's not that Jared was expelled, but being Hated by All within the student body means that he was not going to be able to study in peace. Repeat thirty-three times.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: At the end of the day, Jared isn't trying to one-up anybody. He just wants to be a kid and enjoy a nice childhood with all the other children without being singled out.
  • Mood Whiplash: When Jared is giving his speech about how hard it is being perfect, he brings up how his previous schools spited him by pranking him, one such prank being that his desk was filled with wet paper mache. Randal blurts out how funny it sounds and wishes they had thought of that, missing the point of how this kid is not their enemy.
  • Not So Above It All: Mikey tries to play devil's advocate and say Jared shouldn't be despised for being talented. We cut to Jared giving the best poem in the world, even better than Mikey could ever imagine. Mikey is deeply moved. ...until he voices to himself how he hates Jared.
  • Parody Sue: Jared Smith is absolutely better than anything at anybody in all schools he has gone to, and he has earned the enmity of every single student in those thirty-three schools and he is frankly getting sick of people becoming obsessed with trying to one-up him. He did not asked to be perfect but he is not going to half-ass his efforts for anybody. The episode ends with Jared being asked to assist the President and him taking off in a Harrier.
  • The Perils of Being the Best: After the school refuses to play with him, Jared concedes that, fair enough, it's everyone's right to avoid him. But not before he tells the entire school body that being "perfect" has its hardships too. For all his ability to succeed at whatever he sets his mind to, it's not the same as having friends or having a normal childhood. It's reconstructed when the kids realize that instead of seeing his perfection as a sign that they'll never be good enough, they see it more like something to strive for, and even look to him as a universal mentor for their respective talents. As such, both parties form a friendship based on this system.
