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Recap / King Of The Hill S 9 E 7 Enrique Cilable Differences

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Enrique is having marital problems at home and latches onto Hank for companionship. Meanwhile, Bobby and Joseph are intrigued by a FOX program called Daytona 500 and try to figure out a way to unblock the channel.


  • Bilingual Bonus: Enrique and his wife argue in Spanish. If translated, she makes fun of him for his closeness to Hank.
  • Biting-the-Hand Humor: Hank blocks the Fox network outside of football season, likely because he finds it too lewd.
  • Lonely Bachelor Pad: Hank takes Enrique to one of these after Yolanda's brothers drop him off, telling him that he can either stay there, or go back to his wife, but he can't stay with the Hills.
  • Men Don't Cry: Enrique goes to Hank for marital advice because he's not Mexican. In the Mexican community, they frown on men talking about their feelings, much to Hank's joy.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Hank would've likely removed the channel block if Bobby had just come out and said he and Joseph wanted to watch Daytona 500, considering Hank's love of NASCAR. Instead, Bobby skirts around what he really wants to watch, and this causes Hank to keep it blocked.
  • Series Continuity Error: Bobby has no idea what NASCAR is, despite the fact he worked at a race track back in Season 2.
  • The Password Is Always "Swordfish": Bobby and Joseph realize that Hank's TV password is "propane", albeit after several guesses.
  • The Thing That Would Not Leave: While Hank doesn't like Enrique being around, Peggy and the other Hills have no problem with him being there. At least until he acts too obnoxious for their taste, and comes over constantly.
