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Recap / King Of The Hill S 5 E 11 Hank And The Great Glass Elevator

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On a day trip to Austin, Hank moons the former Governor of Texas, Ann Richards (guest starring as herself), leading Bill to take the blame and eventually enter a relationship with her. Meanwhile, Peggy and Bobby try hamburgers grilled on a charcoal grill and break Hank's heart when they discover that burgers on a charcoal grill taste better than burgers on a propane grill.


  • Adam Westing: Ann Richards voices herself.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: Ann to Bill on why he keeps going back to someone as awful as Lenore.
    Ann: Bill, why is it when they hand out Humble Pie you go back for seconds?
  • Comical Overreacting: Hank, upon finding out Peggy and Bobby grilled using charcoal:
    Hank: You brought charcoal into our house!
    Peggy: I didn't know what it was. Luanne asked me to hold it for her. I thought it was drugs.
    Hank: There's soot under my boy's nails! You don't get that from a clean-burning fuel.
    Bobby: You don't get the rich smoky flavor, either.
    Hank: Shut your mouth. Now, we're gonna sit here and pray. (holds hands with Peggy and Bobby and shuts his eyes)
  • Friend-or-Idol Decision: Bordering on Sadistic Choice. Near the end, Hank gives Peggy two burgers, one cooked with charcoal and other with propane. He then asks which tastes better, before reinstating the question, "What's it going to be, charcoal or me?" with the implication that he'll leave Peggy if she chooses charcoal. In the end, she says the propane burger tastes better, but still secretly prefers charcoal.
  • Replacement Goldfish: Lenore is seen dating a man who looks like a clone fo Bill with slightly different hair, implying she's doing to that poor bastard what she did to Bill.
  • Special Guest: Alongside Ann Richards as herself, there's also Ellen Barkin as Lenore.
  • Taking the Heat: Bill takes the blame for mooning Ann Richards.
  • Unseen No More: Bill's frequently mentioned ex-wife Lenore makes her first and only onscreen appearance.
  • Wham Episode: We finally meet Lenore.
