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Recap / Fate Grand Order Event 31 Halloween 2018 ONILAND

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  • Ambiguous Syntax: Played for all it's worth by the Whip Oni/Medb, who says the nice thing about carousal horses is that you can "ride them, and ride them, oh, and ride them." At first the party is confused, but then everyone (except Ibaraki) realizes what she really meant by the different definitions of "ride" when she gives an off-screen erotic dance on one such horse (complete with mouth usage).
  • Artificial Human: The Great Oni uses the magical gold to copy and form alternate versions of Servants to serve as the managers of the various attractions and shops.
  • Breaking Old Trends: This is the first (and only) Halloween event that doesn't have a Elisabeth Bathory variant as the featured event Servant, or even takes place at Castle Csjete. It's also the only one where Elisabeth actually takes up the full villain role (albeit unwilling).
  • The Cavalry: In the final battle, all the Chaldean Servants that were in Oniland all show up to help the Master out, which takes the form of them constantly debuffing the Golden Dragon every turn. More impressively, Heracles forcefully summoned himself to Oniland solely to protect Sitonai.
  • The Dog Was the Mastermind: The mastermind behind Elizabeth's brainwashing and the Kamuy's Gold was in fact Haku, Shuten's animal sidekick, who was in truth an ancient demon that tried to steal the sun.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: The Great Oni plans to break up couples with the tea cup rides but is decent enough to at least order the attraction manager to supply them with barf bags so they don't throw up on one another.
  • Foreshadowing: There are plenty to the Great Oni's true identity.
    • Ibaraki makes multiple mentions that the Great Oni's policies and actions aren't really "oni-like" at all, being far too orderly.
    • The Great Oni's dialogue is structured in such a way that it comes across as someone trying and failing to be evil, particularly underlined by the weird childishness and care behind some of the proclamations.
    • The fact Oniland strangely has a lot of Halloween decorations everywhere, yet there's not a single mention of Elisabeth Bathory, the headliner of every single Halloween event previously, at all from the story, even as a cameo.
    • The massive parade that's held every night in Oniland's streets is capped off by the Great Oni bellowing to the sky, and Salieri mentions that the Great Oni asked him to of all things compose a musical accompaniment, to which he answered that even he couldn't manage something for that sort of noise. Oddly similar to most people's reactions to Elisabeth's singing...
    • The Great Oni in combat has the Dragon Trait, particularly noticeable since the only other oni in the game at the time that has that trait would be Shuten and lending credence to its claims that it was never really an oni. Not to mention its Raid Boss Name is called the "Vermilion Dragon".
  • Has a Type: Blackbeard Oni/Edward Teach expresses that Chiyome checks many of his boxes, and the real Blackbeard echoes similar sentiments (while also dropping hints to a certain drinking and gambling Servant all but stated to be Francis Drake).
  • Hyde Plays Jekyll: The Murder Oni/Hyde pretends to be Jekyll in order to get the party's trust and attempts to frame Columbus, Phantom, and Mephistopheles for attempting to kill Blackbeard. They realize the ruse when Phantom nearly attacks and barely restrains himself from harming the protagonist yet Jekyll didn't jump in himself to stop him.
  • Mistaken Identity:
    • According to the Great Oni/Elisabeth JAPAN, everyone just started calling her an "oni" even though she really wasn't one, so she just rolled with it. The horns probably didn't help matters.
    • Twofold for Siegfried. He's is also mistaken to be an oni by an Oni vendor due to his horns in his Final Ascension, which he only transforms to get away from Brynhild, who mistakenly sees him as Sigurd.
  • Mythology Gag: The Three Anglers Craft Essence features Cu trying to fish in peace, only to be interrupted by Emiya and Gilgamesh just like in Hollow Ataraxia.
  • On the Next: Each "episode" ends like this, fully-voiced with Ibaraki announcing the next segment's name while Shuten says, "See you next time."
