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Recap / DEVILMAN crybaby Episode 8 - I Must Know Myself

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"I'm sorry, Daddy..."

With humanity becoming further entrenched in fear over demons, Ryo returns to South America to find answers to his mysterious past and the reasons behind his own actions up to this point. Meanwhile, Akira tries to find Miki's family after they go missing, coming face to face with the most powerful demon in Japan: Xenon, whose hand has been forced by Ryo's schemes. Afterwards, Akira finds himself faced with a most unexpected betrayal...

  • And I Must Scream: Taro is conscious of his actions, but cannot stop himself. When he devours a dog due to his Devilman appetite, he does so in a few moments off-screen. When eating his mother, he's doing so slowly, as if he's holding himself back. And then, when Mr. Makimura begins screaming that Taro is no longer his son, tears start pouring out of Taro's eyes, implying he's fully aware of his own actions, but cannot stop himself, and is just as horrified by the situation as his father is. No wonder this moment ended up on both the Nightmare Fuel and Tear Jerker pages.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Remember all the times when Ryo would take videos of Akira slaughtering other demons? As it turns out, he uses those videos when he reveals Akira's identity as Devilman to all the other humans — but does so in a way where Akira is portrayed as the bad guy.
  • Gratuitous English: The live broadcast at the end of the episode is spoken entirely in English.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: How Ryo manages to portray Akira in his broadcast.
  • Hope Spot: Akira hopes that Ryo can calm down the masses by explaining the demon situation. Unfortunately...
  • Kick the Dog: Not that Ryo didn't do anything morally reprehensible in the past few episodes, but on top of lying about the origins of demons, he also exposes Akira and paints him as a social outcast who got fed up with society and turned into a bloodthirsty monster.
  • Metaphorically True: Ryo wasn't exactly lying when he says that demons are born from humans who harbored discontent regarding their lives and society as a whole. Technically, demons can only exist by possessing humans, and most demons blend in with society to avoid suspicion. And their favorite targets are humans who decide to rebel against societal norms, a.k.a. those who are into sex, violence, and and everything in between, which is what Sabbaths consist of — and Sabbaths are where most possessions occur.
  • Oh, Crap!: What happens when Mr. Makimura finds out who is eating his wife.
    "I'm sorry, Daddy...".
  • Propaganda Piece: By using the Metaphorically True statement of humans becoming demons, and painting Akira as a Hero with Bad Publicity, Ryo makes the hostile tension between humans and potential and existing demons (as well as Devilmen) even worse than they already are, instilling fear and paranoia for humanity to the point where he encourages attacking anyone who is even remotely suspicious of turning.
  • Title Drop: Ryo says the episode title when he suspects there may be more to himself than he realizes.
  • Wham Line: Ryo drops one in the broadcast, which more or less reveals where his true alliances lie:
